Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. - Helen Keller

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Learning, Always...

Why do humans make things so much harder than they really have to be? Why is it that it can take a lifetime for some people to learn something that takes another person only years to figure out and others seem to be born with it? I know that we learn at our own pace and of course that is perfectly natural, but it seems as if there should be some things that just come imprinted into our genes. Perhaps there was at one time? Or, maybe it's still there and we just forgot how to tap into it? I don't know, but somehow, it's been lost to most of the population. Its been replaced though, or perhaps a stronger gene has taken over...who knows? My point is that people just don't care anymore. About anything, really...well, most don't anyway, there is that few somewhere out there that still do. Honestly, I don't think people realize just how selfish they are at times.

In fact, I don't think that people really think about things in those terms anymore. It really has become an every woman/man for him/her-self world, you do what you have to do so you can survive. I don't think people, for the most part, go through life looking for a way to screw someone over. I do think that people end up doing very selfish and insensitive things to get what they think they need or "deserve" at a moment and end up hurting others. I think that is why it is so hard to find a person to whom you can give your trust, to put your heart into that person's hand and say "Here, I'm giving you my heart to do will as you please. My heart means a lot to me, it's my life, all of who I am." There aren't many out there that I would want to even chance that with anymore.

This is where I have trouble because I'm an all or nothing type person, meaning: I don't know how to only be a half friend or only love someone this------much, only let them this-------------close, so that I will be protected. My friend K and T (someone we hope we can call a friend) were all talking about this today. Learning the difference between loving someone enough to see past their bullshit and letting someone use your big heart to get what they want. Where do you draw the line? When is enough, enough? We talked about this for a long time and it was nice to see that as far as the three of us...we are pretty much on the same page.

It was nice to sit and talk about things like this without anyone feeling like fingers were being pointed, just that we were stating our opinions. It's good to be on the same page as someone else, even though the words are written out a little differently through each set of eyes. I feel as if I am growing a lot lately, in many areas of my life and it makes me feel wonderful, makes me want to learn more so I can grow more and become the person that I know I can be. It makes me want to be a better person in all aspects of my life. That's a good thing.

Hope you all have a great week...

1 comment:

DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

Its really nice to hear you speak like this Red. I can relate to YOU very much on this and you know that I believe that finding the positive in everything is still important and always will be.

You Rock Red.......

Keep it UP>>>>>>>>>>

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