Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. - Helen Keller

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Outside My Window

I'm looking out my window right now, watching my children play as I type this, I love all the colors of Fall. The world seems to be ablaze for a few short weeks before dozing through the long, cold winter. Fall is the earth's way of reminding us before its nap, that winter will only last a while and then spring brings all things new. Life reborn and empowered with youth, a hunger to grow. But first the Earth must rest and let herself heal, slough off the old to prepare for the new.

The bright reds and oranges stand out passionately against the darker hues of the evergreen and the now dulling grass. I think Tennessee is an absolutely gorgeous state during the Autumn, I don't much care for it the rest of the year, except the very begining of spring when everything is that bright, new leafling green and the rain gives the air a refreshing, clean taste as you breath it in. So it is refreshing when the wind has a slight bite to it, when you pull your jacket a little tighter and squeeze close to the one you love.

Fall ultimately reminds me of the fair. I went this year.(Twice) I took my kids one night and watching them skip around, wide eyed and in awe of the lights and fast rides. This isn't their first year to go of course, but that is one of the beauties of childhood, the ability to take delight in things over and over again. Bounce me on your knee, throw me in the air, spin me round and round. These things will forever be fun in the heart of the young. Does anyone else still love to climb trees or jump on the trampoline while skipping rope? I hope I never get too old to enjoy those simple things.

It's funny really, it dawned on me (perhaps, not for the first time?) that life is very much like the seasons...

Spring = Youth,

Summer = Young Adult,

Fall = Mature Adult,

Winter = Elderly.

Summer sure is different than I thought it would be back in the Spring...Ya know? And how do we know when we're out of our Summer phase and into Fall? I guess when I'm more mature...I'll know. It will probably happen long before I'm ready to admit, but I swear to stave off growing up too fast...(Were there lost girls as well as boys in NeverLand?) as long as possible. I think if we remain kids at heart and hold on to that special warmth that comes in the Spring of Youth, so long as we keep our hearts burried deep from the cold of Winter we'll be forever young in the Autumn and Winter of our Lives.


DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

It's kinda like death and rebirth, interesting concept there Red...I like it...

I like fall the best, I think...?


Angel Feathers Tickle Me said...

Love to all....

Hi Blue

Chalice said...

I have always been a fall person and its funny you show fall as being the mature adult. That's the way I have felt my entire life. Always having to deal with things rather than sit back, enjoy life and just have fun.

I have to admit, lately, I have been feeling more Springy but I have Blu to thank for that. He has made me feel like that playful youth I always wanted to be. Damn I love that man :)

I really enjoy reading your posts Scarlett. I see alot of the way I feel in your words and sometimes it's nice knowing there are others out there who share your sentiments. So right now, instead of being the responsible adult and going to work, I took a day for myself. And what am I doing?? Staring out the window at the trees and loving every second of it! Thanks for the smiles Scarlett! :) I needed it today..

Take care of yourself..

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PARENTS: BE WARNED: This blog is run by an ADULT and I CANNOT guarantee that every post will be suitable for children under the age of 18.

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