Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. - Helen Keller

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Is Anyone Else...

Having trouble getting a picture to post on here?


DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

I love this picture...

It actually reminds me of my XGF's art...That is scary even though it was good. Anyway, I like this better. Maybe I'll show you some of it and you can see how much a like it is...We'll see, later...

DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

And yes, Blogger was having trouble with pictures but it's all better now. As soon as they get all the kinks out of the new blogger beta then those issues will be history...

Scarlett said...

I wish that I could claim this as my own work, but it is only one I happened to find online. I just used it to try and upload a pic. That one happened to work.

New beta Blogger? When did they do that?


DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

Well, they started it awhile back and it is slow go along the way...They are letting sections of blogspot bloggers switch over to beta blogger as they workout the kinks...

I want to switch but I can't yet. As soon as it's available, you will see a button in your dashboard on the right to switch over, I think you will like it Red because it has categories and labels and an easy to use drag and drop template editor...Are you excited?

Later Red, I miss chattin' but have been busy....

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PARENTS: BE WARNED: This blog is run by an ADULT and I CANNOT guarantee that every post will be suitable for children under the age of 18.

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