Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. - Helen Keller

Monday, February 18, 2008

The Visit...

So, tomorrow is the big day...

I go to see the Dr. and am keeping my fingers, arms and legs crossed that I don't have any major issues...well, my fingers and arms, unfortunately I wont be able to cross my legs during this procedure!

I'm trying very hard not to think too much about it, it freaks me out quite a bit. I had a biopsy on my throat with the Thyroid Cancer and I'm not at all excited about them doing a biopsy on my...uhm, yeah, so anyway! I mean...I know I'm a pain slut and all, but needles inside that area...not my thing!

So much for not thinking about it!

I'm off to hyperventilate for a minute so I can get on with my house work....


Jay said...

Sending all kinds of good thought and good vibes your way Scarlett!

MrRyanO said...

Hey Scarlett! I hope everything works out! I'll be sending good thoughts your way!

Dana said...

Hang in there Chica! Positive thoughts coming your way!

Anonymous said...

I will be sending thoughts and prayers your way...

Good luck!

Scarlett said...

Thank You All so very much! All the good thoughts and vibes are much appreciated.

Leighann said...

I'm joining in on the Good Thoughts Train!

I'll cross my legs for you, how about that??!!

Anonymous said...

Gooooooooooood luck at the doc!
Hope the tests turn out good and wishing no pain for your lil stuff!
Good Luck!!

Scarlett said...

Leighann: Thank You! Please do that! ;-)

Southern Sage: Thank You...I'll take that wish!

captain corky said...

I hope everything is ok! I just want my new best friend to be happy and worry free. ;)

Scarlett said...

Thank You so much Captain!

FYI...I used to have a massive crush on Captain!

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