Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. - Helen Keller

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Lunchtime Update

It's been a while...a long while. Life has been very hectic this summer leaving me little time to blog or anything else online. Even as I sit here typing this I am trying to make the best use of my time by having a lunch break as well. Such is life I suppose.

School starts back August 1st for my two oldest kids and my baby boy (he's 3) will be off to preschool shortly after. I'm feeling a little down about that, but hey they have to grow up don't they? I worry about how he will react when I leave him that first day and that I wont have the spine to leave my poor, poor, little guy all on his own in this big bad world. Yes, I freely admit I am a HUGE sap when it comes to my kids and am probably a little bit too overprotective, but if J and I don't look out for them...who the hell will???

Anyway, now that T is off to Head Start my life is about to take a big turn for me, you see I haven't worked very much outside of my home in my married life. With the exception of one year of working in a nursing home,(I quit when I found out I was pregnant again) I have always been a stay at home mom and now I am in search of a job. Just something, anything for the moment until I can get my EMT license and then I will work on getting my RN, so I may reach my ultimate goal which is to become a life flight nurse.

I must admit I'm not overly fond of the idea of having to deal with people, actually I hate the idea, but I know what I love and I realise the entering this field of nursing will allow me to do just those that TRULY need it, without having to become attached in any way. So, keep your fingers crossed for me, that I will be able to make this happen.

To those of you who have continued to come around and read (even through my absence)...Thank You!

Content Warning:

PARENTS: BE WARNED: This blog is run by an ADULT and I CANNOT guarantee that every post will be suitable for children under the age of 18.

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