Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. - Helen Keller

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Engineered insanity, sophisticated…essentially disturbing, her love is a bridge burning through our short-lived lives. Gothic, soft rare orchid, tragically unpretentious and devastatingly beautiful, beckoning us to join her in harsh circumstance. Reluctance dances through us as her cold reality consumes who we are. Her icy gaze burning an eternal epitaph upon our naked hearts.


macaroon said...

This image reminds me of my tarot deck (yeah, I do...I won't try and explain it, but I look it as your body's intuitive way of accessing your subconcious...anyway). Her name is The Lady of the Harvest and she looks like this:

She is the fairy of completion, grief, loss, harvest, and release. She is like the Old Woman or the Crone; she helps us to let go of what is complete, finished, and liberate ourselves to move on to the next phase in our activities and relationships. The old becomes compost for the new.

She is associated with grief, leading us through the steps: shock/denial, anger/guilt, emotional storm, acceptance, regaining of perspective, beginning healing, and deepening our capacity for love.

I know this wasn't a part of a reading for you, but I do believe that messages come to us for different reasons. My fortune cookie advice for the day? It's a time of liberation and forward movement. Seize the day. No more reluctance.

XOX. Grin.

Scarlett said...

Carpe Diem! :)

I also have a tarot deck and a set of runes :) I am still learning them, still connecting with them so they will become a part, an extention of myself.

Your terot deck is beautiful and seems so YOU! I have the Renaissance Deck and I look at them about once a week. How long have you been reading yours?


Anonymous said...

We have the same mothers. I've said it before and now this passage has convinced me yet further.

By engineering insanity they are the masters of controlled chaos in all that revolve around them, a damaging sort of sun.

Yet, as we both recently mused, there is still the other fragile side of them: they are still tragic figures in their own fishbowl worlds, victims of circumstances. Their terribly human ways holds the thread weaving back to our insides. They are tragically human. It is what that softspot in the most underneath part of our hearts beats with when we contemplate them.

They maim and cripple with a look, a word and we become less than we are, instantly on unsteady ground.

Everything springs from them, including very life itself....out of the great nothingness we were formed. For that sin, we wear an albatross around our fragile necks. Love and Obligation are burdens that never cease. I understand.



Bonnie said...


Love your site! Your art and layout are fantastic.

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